"I have worked with trainers in the past and realized after having my third baby in four years that I required someone with expertise AND personal experience. I wanted to lose the baby weight with an emphasis on targeting and building back my core muscles. I am a full time working mom and have to be efficient with my time. Thirty minutes a day is all I have! My eating habits needed adjustments too. I wanted someone to help me develop healthier eating habits, find practical alternatives to my snacks and transition to healthier meals without forfeiting flavor and taste (a non-negotiable considering young ones to feed).
I met Dawn a year into my search for this unicorn of a personal trainer and she miraculously checked all the boxes! Only one month into our workout and not only did I notice a difference, but my husband did too. The sweet spot to working with Dawn was improving many facets of my life from eating better to staying active and being efficient with my time."
Hoda's In-Person Private Training & Nutrition Coaching Experience

"I was excited to go through this HIIT training challenge because I wanted something different from what I always do. Let’s face it, there are those of us who have never been a fan of any form of cardio specific workouts, but we need the kick in the pants to get something going that is going to get our cardiovascular system in shape. This workout will give you that! This challenge gave me all the benefits of cardio without having to step foot on a treadmill, elliptical, or go for a dreaded run. So, if I can get all that and it takes less than 30 minutes, sign me up! It changed my body more than I could have ever expected! In addition to losing a few pounds, I lost two inches off my hips, almost an inch from my abdomen, half of an inch off each of my upper arms, all in just four weeks!! I have not seen this drastic of a change so quickly ever in my life, and before kids, I was a Division I collegiate athlete! The craziest part, I did this challenge over the holidays, enjoyed all the yummy and delicious things that the holidays bring, and was still able to get all these changes! So, I am going to challenge you to try it! No matter where you are starting from, Dawn shows you modifications for each exercise so you can still crush it and get the same benefits! 30 minutes before the kids get up, 30 minutes of naptime or even while they do their homework, and you are DONE!! I am telling you that you are going to love it, this challenge will change your body!!"
Leah's Full Body Interval Trainer Experience

"I really love having you coach me. Since I'm not a motivated person I need a coach to keep me on track, but I also love your in-video coaching! I like how you sometimes use the modifications yourself and encourage us to find our level to work at but also push us to work harder and do more work. When I completed The Fit Mom Challenge, I loved the loop band workouts and having the entire workout video to follow along with! Those speed-skaters with the bands were killer but I could really feel it working an area that it needs. The length of time of the workouts is great too, at around 30 minutes."
Jasmin's Fit Mom Challenge Experience

"I started Dawn's ab challenge and didn't expect to see any results. I'm overweight, so my ab muscles are basically invisible, right?! I was also disappointed when I started the challenge, because, well I've had 2 babies and my core is WEAK. Dawn coached me through some modifications. I stuck with the program (even though my abs were so sore they cried every day) and I was actually able to see noticeable results! By the end of the challenge, I was able to do more of the exercises with fewer modifications, and I actually noticed a physical difference in my abs. I didn't lose weight, but this is not a weight loss program! This is a chance to improve your core, including the pelvic floor, which is so important for all women, but especially those of us who have carried babies!